A Humanistic Approach
The journey of courage sometimes plunges me into deep despair, so profound that I often become unaware of its weight on my soul. When friends notice a hint of sadness in my gaze and inquire about how I'm feeling, I mask it with a smile, saying, "I'm fine."
Experiencing feelings of helplessness, despair, and sorrow is a natural part of being human. For many years, I struggled to allow myself to truly feel these emotions, process them through every fiber of my being, and eventually let them go. I've since realized that ignoring or resisting these emotions often does more harm than good.
During difficult times, I often find solace in solitude. While isolation has become a go-to coping mechanism, I've come to recognize its dual role in my healing journey. While solitude provides space for reflection, there's undeniable power in community. Complex issues are better addressed with collective wisdom and support. In the company of others, we find comforting reminders that we're not alone in our struggles.
What if we lived in a society where feelings of despair and sadness was freely shared and supported in community? How would this kind of sharing and support change our world?
You see, I've discovered that despair grows stronger in denial and in the shadows of self-inflicted isolation. So today, I chose to face my despair head-on. I vented my frustrations, hurled a few cuss words, sought comfort and support in my community; then moved on. Today, I accepted the truth-- it's perfectly okay, not be okay sometimes. #navigatingcourage
It’s perfectly ok, not to be ok. We are judged when we tell the whole truth and it’s not what people expect. We MUST decide it’s ok because it’s our truth. Thank you for being open and sharing.
1000 x YES to this. Thank you for putting it so clearly and eloquently.